Bridge death driver inpreviousdrunk driving accident

The man involved in the death of a woman on the Bridge of the Americas, while impaired, will remain in preventive detention after it was revealed to The Panama West Court of Appeals that he had been involved in another drunk driving incident in March that injured four people.

Alex Gómez Sousa-Lennox, appeared at the hearing in La Chorrera, after the judge of Guarantees, Carlos Fajardo, ordered his provisional arrest for six months, while investigators determined if there were procedural risks such as flight risk, destruction of evidence and danger for the community.

It was shown that the bridge incident, which resulted in the death of Ana Karen Pérez, 28,  and sent her four-year-old orphaned daughter to the Hospital del Nino,  was the second case in which Alex Gómez Sousa-Lennox was involved. The court heard that he was involved in an accident in San Carlos on March 6, in which four people were injured and according to information in the file, He was also intoxicated.

His lawyers were against the precautionary measure imposed by the prosecution, but their arguments were not convincing enough for the Court of Appeals, which endorsed the measure of provisional detention, reports TVN.

Sousa-Lennox arrived in court in a wheelchair and wearing an orthopedic collar. Prosecutor Anabelis Jaén, said:  “We will sustain that the procedural risks still remain, for which the precautionary measure was imposed last Wednesday “.