OPINION Panamas legislators reach new depths

Although you can think that it has already been said and you have seen everything in the National Assembly, yesterday’ spectacle in the plenary reached new depths. During the second debate of the draft law of imprescriptibly of corruption offenses, the deputies in their rantings exhibited nothing of their supposed honesty and integrity, while they derided and scolded the brave citizens who support the legislative initiative. The deputies turned the venue into the arena of a Roman coliseum and they were willing to devour themselves, with their demands and pawnshops, to the goodwill of civil society. It is obvious that they are uncomfortable with citizen participation. Panama is a country with a very noble people, who do not deserve that disrespect on the part of those who needed our votes and our taxes for their positions, and behave as true exploiters and feudal lords without true arguments The true is that truth is that as they are not right, they can only resort to the buzz of outrages and haughtiness that unmasks them once more. LA PRENSA, hoyporhoy, Mar 29.