Panama historic $30 million lottery win

 When, last year,  Panamanian Aura  Domingo  Cano won the jackpot of a United States lottery through the online lottery ticket service Lotter Panama. the $30 million prize made it the biggest lottery win ever in the country.

The process was confirmed and validated by the official agencies of the Florida lottery in the United States. Aura who, retired at  60 years but continued to work to support her family ordered a lottery ticket online at Lotter Panama, on July 7, 2017, for the draw that was to be held on July 19, When she heard the news, Aura could not contain the emotion. “I really needed the money. I had to continue working because I have my children, but I  really would like to rest ” she said.

She had the option to choose between receiving the payment of $30 million in 29 annuities, discounting taxes, or a single payment of $21 million Finally, she opted for the second choice.

Aura had included five combinations of possible numbers on her ticket, all chosen randomly. It was the last line (3 – 10 – 20 – 29 – 35 – 50), which gave her the accumulated Grand Prize,  . She was the only winner with all the numbers in the draw, although there were tens of thousands of players who won secondary prizes.

She became the not only the big winner of the night but also the biggest ever winner in Panama.

Lotteries in the United States offer accumulated prices far higher than those available in Panama like Powerball, and Mega Millions, which once paid out $656 million.

Aura is not the only Latin  American to win big in  US lotteries. In 2003 a Mexican couple won $85  million and  Eduardo Reyes, born in Mexico, won $7 million in 2017.