Lawmakers move to block corruption charges


Just  days after civil demonstrations  protesting corruption and impunity in the National Assembly at least eight deputies have  filed motions in the  Supreme Court to block investigations of suspected mismanagement of millions of dollars of  public funds in their re-election campaigns in 2014

Panama’s the Comptroller General revealed details of alleged scams when he presented results of an audit of communal boards and municipalities.

Among those rushing to stall prosecutions are CD members:   Yanibel Ábrego -current President of the Assembly-, Mario Miller, Jackson Palma, Héctor Aparicio (former president of the Legislative) and Salvador Real.

Tagging along are  PRD members Benicio Robinson -current president of the party – and Crispiano Adames, ex-leader of the party’s bench.

Miguel Fanovich, of the Molirena party, added his name to the list.

These deputies are part of the group of 39 that was re-elected in 2014.

The Amparos are against two resolutions of the Comptroller of the years 2014 and 2015, through which the audits were ordered.

Magistrate José Ayú Prado was appointed as rapporteur for the Amparo filed by Aparicio and Ángela Russo will be in charge of the rest.

On February 27, the Comptroller delivered the audits Of 186 communal boards and municipalities to the Public Prosecutor’s Office, which three days ago requested the reopening of the process.

The Public Ministry (MP)  has presented before the Fifth Criminal Court a request for the investigation to be reopened for the illegal use of public funds.