Scandinavia has 4 of top 10 happiest countries

THREE Scandinavian countries led by Finland top the list of the world’s happiest countries according to a UN report presented on  Wednesday in the Vatican.

Finland turns out to be the happiest country in the world, even for its immigrants,  followed by Norway and Denmark .

Sweden the other Scandinavian country is in 9th position says the Report  on Happiness in 2018, prepared by the UN Ne twork of Solutions for the Sustainable Development of the United Nations Organization.

OTTAWA, Canada

Canada in seventh place is the happiest country on the American continent.

The United States has fallen four places to 18 since Donald Trump became president.

The top three Scandinavian countries are followed by Iceland, Switzerland, Holland, Canada, New Zealand, Sweden and Australia.

The report measured happiness in 156 countries, according to their Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita,  social support the hope of a healthy life, social freedom, generosity and the absence of corruption.

Costa Rica
 at 13  is the highest ranked  Latin American country.

Mexico is ranked 24, Chile 25, Panama 27, Brazil 28, Argentina 29, Guatemala 30 and Uruguay 31.

The study, which was presented at the headquarters of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences in the Vatican,  pays special attention to the level of happiness of immigrants, measured in 117 countries.

“Governments are increasingly using happiness indicators for decision making and formulation

of policies, “said Jeffrey D. Sachs, co-editor of the report.”The most surprising result is the relationship that exists between the happiness of immigrants and that of

native, “said John Helliwell, a professor at the University of British Columbia. “Although immigrants come from very different countries, their quality of life and that of the residents of the host country converge, “he explained.

A year after the arrival of Donald Trump to the White House, the United States fell four places to 18.

Health problems such as obesity and depression have increased which has affected the quality of life of the Americans.

China went from 79 to 86, despite the significant economic progress made in the last few years, its population is not happy.

To carry out the report, the experts also took into account the level of “compassion, freedom,generosity, honesty, health, safety nets and good government “.