Looting follows Colon anti-government protests

CRIMINAL elements, many in their early teens,  took advantage of anti-government protests in the city of Colon on Tuesday, March 13 to loot stores and burn a police vehicle.

Meanwhile the Governor of the province Jennitt Campos declared a 6 pm curfew for minors and the  Committee for the Salvation of Colon . announced a 24 hour extension of the province-wide general strike to demand answers from the government of President Juan Carlos Varela.

Looters  went to work during confrontations between protesters and the National Police to carry out acts of vandalism in one area of the city People living near the conflict area indicated that there was an exchange of gunfire between police and people in residential buildings says an El Siglo report. There were numerous arrests.

A TVN News team  filming  hooded  gangs looting a warehouse was attacked

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