Benefit concerts for fire victims

Two benefit concerts are being organized by the Danilo Peréz Foundation for the families who lost their homes and possessions in the fire that destroyed Casa Boyacá and two other buildings in Casco Viejo on Feb.21.
The concerts will be on the March 1 and 15 in Villa Agustina, Casco Viejo, at 8:00 p.m. and the entrance will be a minimum donation of $10.
Both concerts will have the participation of national artists, like Luis Carlos Pérez Quintet, Los Grandchildren of Jazz, Idania Dowman, Take you to Mars and Latin Connection, among others.
All performers are donating their talent in solidarity with the 40 affected families.
The Foundation said on Monday, Feb 26, that they will continue receiving donations at the headquarters of the institution to assist families. Primarily they need infant formula milk, dry foods, contributions in cash, a wheelchair and shower for an older adult.
They announced that musical instruments for youngsters Oliver Mall, Michael
Talavera and Luis Ángel Navarro -all students of the Foundation- were provided by the Municipality of Panama, after their personal instruments, were destroyed by the fire.