OPINION: In search of honest leaders

Two stories on the front page of La Prensa today (Feb, 22) are related to unfulfilled promises by the current president Juan Carlos Varela.

On the one hand, reluctance of his administration to incorporate the State Pact Commission for Justice in the selection of magistrates, breaching one of his campaign commitments.

While Transparency International makes an evaluation about the perception about corruption in our country, and other pending tasks of the Government stand out: the reform of the Law on Public Contracting, a conflict of interests law and another of protection for whistleblowers.  The fight against corruption was also a promise of Varela. Politicians must understand that when they present their plan of government and offer their campaign promises, they are making a moral contract with the citizens of the country they aspire to direct. The breaking of those promises produces cynicism, unrest and offends society.

The country needs honest men and women who honor and keep their word …La Prensa, Feb.22