Tocumen plans Singapore style logistics center
TOCUMEN International Airport is investing $12.3 million to kickstart a logistics area modeled on the operations in Dubai and Singapore by creating a new light industries center only meters from the cargo terminal, the first of its kind in the region.
The funding will go towards preparing the first 18 hectares where companies will be installed for labeling and packaging perishable food products and assembly of technological devices such as computers and cell phones, and other light manufacturing activities
Carmen Carrizo de Pages, Vice President of Strategy and Planning of Tocumen, S.A. said that with the project, Tocumen seeks to increase the movement of cargo to and from Panama, which despite having the greatest connectivity in the region, is below other markets, such as Colombia, in the movement of goods by air.
The investment made by the airport will be used to build the basic infrastructure of lighting, internal streets, and parking lots, while the construction of the manufacturing facilities will be the responsibility of the companies installed in the project, which will have a 20-year concession.
Currently, Tocumen handles the transport of 12,000 metric tons of merchandise each month
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