One dead 45 injured in bus crashes

A second traffic accident in 24 hours involving a bus, sent 15 passengers to hospital on Saturday, February 17, bringing the total of injured in two incidents to 45, and one person dead.

The latest accident was on the La Pintada-Panama route when a bus believed to be speeding overturned on the Inter-American highway in San Carlos.


The injured were taken to hospitals in La Chorrera, Penonomé, San Carlos and Antón, some of which had received victims of the previous incident, a head-on  collision between a pickup and a bus on Friday morning on the Inter-American Highway, about 200 meters from the entrance of the community of Juan Hombrón, El Chirú, Anton, Coclé.

The 25-year-old driver of the pickup was killed, the bus driver and a passenger seated behind him, were critically injured.