Airbnb ready to collect Panama lodging tax

Airbnb The San Francisco based internet platform is ready to collect the 10% lodging tax on apartment rentals to tourists in exchange for the dropping of the  45 days minimum stay rule.

The agreement could bring to an end the long battle between the government, the hotel industry and property owners.

Last year, some 2,200 owners in Panama registered in Airbnb collected $7.2 million through the rental of about 3,800 properties distributed throughout the country reports La Prensa.

Shawn Sullivan, Airbnb representative for Central America and the Caribbean, indicated that they are willing to sign an agreement with the Government to collect the lodging tax of 10%, which is also paid by the hotels, but with conditions.

Among the requests of the company, which earns 15% of the final value of each rental, is the elimination of Article 21 of Law 80 of 2012, which prohibits the rental of properties to tourists  purposes for less than 45 days, as well as the protection of the data of the owners of the properties registered in the platform.

Sullivan said that in countries with which they have signed similar agreements tourism has grown between 20% and 30%.

Armando Rodríguez, president of the Panamanian Hotel Association, told La Prensa

that Airbnb must comply with market rules if it wants to operate legally in the country, the main concern of hoteliers is to attract more tourists.

Last year 54,000 customers entered the country  while in Costa Rica the figure reached 380,000.

“Panama has the potential to attract more tourists, but we must increase the promotion, “said Rodriguez.