Captain Of Boat With Three Deaths, Impaired

THE CAPTAIN  of the  Bocas Del Toro boat that sailed in an overcrowded boat in bad weather leading to the deaths of three passengers on Sunday,  Jan. 14 was the second captain on the weekend to register impaired after a blood alcohol test.

The captain of the boat decided to set sail on Bahia Azul in Kusapín, in the Ngäbe-Buglé comarca despite the warning of rain, wind gusts and lightning, putting at risk the life of the occupants. Not satisfied with this, he scored positive. on a breathalyzer test says Civil Protection System  (Sinaproc) Director, Jose Donderis

On Saturday tJan.13 seven people (5 adults and 2 children) were rescued off Playa Estrella when the boat carrying them overturned. They had to be rescued and taken to the nearest hospital center for evaluation. The captain of the boat was breathalyzed and found to be over the limit.

The  Sinaproc director is analyzing new rigorous measures for boatmen and captains although he did not specify what kind of sanctions will be applied

Weather outlook

The unseasonable cold front is continuing, creating adverse conditions with winds, rains and high waves. Over  45% of the beaches and spas in the country were displaying red flags over the weekend