Bail Deals Appealed In High Spirit Laundering Case

BAIL  bonds granted   to money laundering suspects linked to the  notorious High Spirit account at the failed Financial Pacific (FP) brokerage by the Seventh Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office

In a January 2, ruling, Judge Felipe Fuentes granted protection from arrest and detention to  Roberto Enrique de La Espriella, Jesús Veleiro Carballeda and Gumersindo García Dominguez, with bail not to be arrested for $10,000 apiece. Teresa Sánchez De Abood, Carlos Javier Osorio Wald, Joshua Absalon Chavez and Mariel Rodriguez Espino got the same deal for $100,000 thousand each.

All are charged for with  money laundering and financial crimes

The prosecution questioned the amount of bail assigned by the judge because it considers them not reasonable with the high sums of money in the High Spirit. account transactions

According to the prosecutor’s office, there were transactions in and out of the account of $1 million, $2.9 million and up to $4 million of monies from alleged financial crimes of the Panamanian securities market system with the appearance of legality.

Among the beneficiaries of the bonds are Roberto De La Espriella, Jesús Veleiro Carballeda partners of the law firm Veleiro, Mihalitsianos & De La Espriella (VM & E), which deposited almost half a million dollars in the High spirit account without justifying the origin of money.

Gumersindo García Dominguez figured as director/president of the account; Teresa Sánchez De Abood and Mariel Rodríguez Espino were compliance officers in FP; Jossue Absalón Chávez and Carlos Javier Osorio Wald had managerial positions.

The prosecution has also laid charges for alleged money laundering and financial crimes against West Valdés and Iván Clare, ex-directors of FP.

In addition, there are charges against Ori Sasson Zbeda, Aaron Mizrachi Malca, Navin Mohan Bhakta, Tse Yum Ling and Miguel Mihalitsianos.

Mizrachi and  Clare have fled the country.