OPINION: A Sanctuary For The Corrupt and Corrupting

When André Rabello the former head of  Odebrecht in Panama admitted that it paid bribes of $59 million in the country, he lied. He has not been explicit in revealing his illegal operations in Panama; rather he has been reluctant to cooperate to get to the bottom of what his company did in the biggest corruption scandal in the history of Panama.

The request of Odebrecht to be allowed to participate in public events from now on -because he claims to have fulfilled his part of the deal- is as cynical as those who today deny having received the bribes. Not only has he not cooperated fully or returned everything, but his participation was active in corruption, not counting the costly damage it has caused to the society, which saw in its acts an easy way to obtain money. While the judge’s decision, endorsed by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, allowing it to re-tender provokes concern,  the Executive and the Legislature’s attitude is

Their lack of initiative to shield the law of  Public Contracting against the looting by Odebrecht and other Panamanian construction companies that will come to light in another case of corruption [Blue Apple]  – sadly confirms that politicians can

tolerate and coexist comfortably and cheerfully with corruption. We are victims of a political class that acts with the same ends and principles as a gang; that only aspires to go out with pockets full, as did the bribed. If the rest of society has to live with these examples, what can we expect? We will finish by copying the model and convert the country to a sanctuary for corrupt and corrupting people … LA PRENSA… Jan. 8.