Banks must give info on Martinelli accounts

ANOTHER delaying tactic by the legal team of the sons of former president Ricardo Martinelli, facing investigation in the Odebrecht bribery case has been thrown out by The Supreme Court.  (CSJ).

It has given the Special Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office the go-ahead  to investigate the bank accounts of Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares brothers.

In a November 29, ruling The plenary of the Court of Justice considered that the order issued by the Special Anti-corruption Prosecutor’s Office to investigate the bank accounts of the brothers in the Odebrecht case does not violate the constitutional principle of inviolability of private documents or the regulation on banking confidentiality. and it does not admit a protection of constitutional guarantees presented by Luis Eduardo Camacho González, representing the brothers. “We consider that the act attacked does not violate any fundamental right, in the sense of having been issued by a competent authority – Special Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office – explaining clearly and it specifies the reasons on which it supports the requirement of information to the banking entities that operate within the national territory”