OPINION: Diplomacy more than Trump impulses

The Middle East is one of the regions in the world where most armed conflicts have developed in recent times. But just at the time when the control of the Islamic State in that area began to weaken and when the Palestinian factions agreed on a single government, a new chapter emerges in its history: the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by the United States.

It seems that President Donald Trump has overlooked that from the religious, cultural, geographical and historical point of view Jerusalem is a fundamental city for  Jews, Christians and Muslims. A decision like this should only be taken after an extensive dialogue that considers the positions of all the involved parts. The reactions provoked by this initiative do a disservice to a dream of peace in the Middle East. Good diplomacy has always been based on intelligence and careful planning, not on the rapture or populist impulses intended to divert attention from public opinion. Jerusalem and the Middle East deserve a better foreign policy from around the world …La Prensa, Dec, 11