FBI helps impugn Martinelli brother in law

AARON MIZRACHI brother in law of ex-president Ricardo Martinelli, already facing charges in multiple investigations by anticorruption prosecutors has been named a key player in the investigation of the alleged payment of bribes for the contract for a $14.5 million computer program for the Social Security Service, from the German company SAP.

The Second Superior Court has revoked a judgment of the Thirteenth Criminal Court and declared the continuing investigation of Mizrachi for the crime of influence peddling is valid.

FBI agent Stuart Andrew Robinson, who has been working undercover,  declared to the Sixth Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office that Mizrachi “was the entrance to the deal” so that the contract was achieved.

He said that in February 2010 Mizrachi met with Vicente García, former vice president of SAP 9and now jailed), who confessed before the US justice that he paid bribes in Panama for the contract.