Business leaders swell China bound team to over 60

AT LEAST 47 businessmen, bankers and lawyers will accompany President Juan Carlos Varela and his team of some 17 government ministers and officials on their trip to China.

Among  those on  a list released Tuesday, November 14 by The Ministry of Commerce and Industries (Mici) are: Rogelio Alemán (Constructora Urbana, S.A./CUSA), Hermán Bern (Bern Companies), Iván Cohen (Do it Center), Joseph Findanque (former manager of Tocumen, S.A.), Max Harari (Harari Group), Fred Kardonski (Towerbank), Ashok Nandwani (Panafoto), Victor Pérez, father and son (Procasa), Janet Poll (El Machetazo), Aimee Sentmat (Banistmo), Steve Tarazi (Colón 2000) and Pedro Peter Vallarino (Airco).

Also participating is a Chinese Panamanian delegation, which includes Enrique Yao (Grupo Casa Material), José Pan (Econoprecio Furniture and Asociacion Jóvenes Fa-Yen), Roberto Huang (Tecno Group and Asociación WuYi of Panama), Willy Wen (Chinese Association of Panama), Angel Wu (Angel House and Chinese Association of Panama West) and Jaime Yao (Textile Importers, S.A. and Asociación Etnia China Panamá).