A win-win night out with Afrodisiaco

By Margot Thomas 

AFRODISIACO the Panama song group that has attracted crowds in Europe, Africa and the US, since winning the prestigious Silver Gull at the Viña del Mar Festival in Chile last year, launches a new album at a concert in Panama this week.

The album, Viene de Panama (coming from Panama)  will be presented at a concert at the Anita Villalaz Theater in Plaza de Francia on Thursday, Oct 26, at 7 pm.

Music, born in Africa,  is a universal language and  Afrrodisiaco’s vibrant beat appeals to all tastes.

It comes from a folk fusion based on Afro-Panamanian rhythms such as Congo, bullerengue, norte, cortachacho and new drum, plus a spicy salsa, rock, konpa and reggaeton .

The disc has nine songs and a bonus song, based on tunes such as Ola de la Mar, Manuela and That brown I cry, among others.

“We wanted to show, through the over layering of these old songs that all the beats of the New World come from that original rhythm. Music in this sense is the redemption of slavery, how the human spirit is always in search of liberation. In a time in which we suffer another type of slavery, we believe that our music is  a call to awaken that dormant conscience”  said lead singer and song  writer,  Miroslava Herrera.

She says that the preparation of this project took a year to put together As the group  expanded its musical boundaries, highlighting Panama traditions.

“We went to Viña del Mar with a single song and we thought it important to develop  a musical context that will complete our vision of the Panamanian drum beat. At the Thursday concert are going to interpret the complete fusion trip from our fusion journey from congo rhythm to the new drum of Chiriquí,

Since  the triumph in Viña del Mar, the group has represented Panama in Spain, Morocco, Mexico and  New York and also created “Agua del Canal,” for the inauguration of the enlarged Canal.

“Winning Viña gave us the push we needed to develop our deepest cultural root, which is the triple miscegenation to which we are heirs, “Herrera said.

The disc will be on sale on the usual platforms, mainly in digital format, but a limited edition disc comes with a  $20 “preferred” ticket,  at the concert. Regular admittance $10.  Either way, it will be a win-win evening for the audience. See you there.