Google names Toronto ‘City of the Future’ lab

TORONTO, Canada’s largest city, has been chosen to become Larry Page’s “City of the Future” Sidewalk Labs LLC, the urban innovation subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., a Google parent headed by Page, and Waterfront Toronto plans to build a high-tech community from scratch along Lake Ontario in.

Sidewalk Labs LLC, the urban innovation subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., a Google parent headed by Page, and Waterfront Toronto plans to build a high-tech community from scratch along Lake Ontario

The area will become a center of innovation for the advancement of technologies that improve the life of the city, from climate-positive energy systems to autonomous traffic and new construction techniques that can reduce the costs of housing.

“At the East Waterfront in Toronto, we are making a bold bet that technology innovative design and advanced urban design can make fundamental improvements in the lives of the city, said  “Eric Schmidt, chairman of the Alphabet board,

Schmidt was accompanied at a press conference by the CEO of Sidewalk Labs, Dan Doctoroff, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Schmidt was accompanied at a press conference by the CEO of Sidewalk Labs, Dan Doctoroff, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

New York-based Sidewalk will spend $ 50 million on the project, called “Sidewalk Toronto”. Google’s headquarters in Canada will move to the place from the west end of the city to back it up.

The investment of Alphabet takes place in the middle of a technological boom in the city, driven by a prosperous environment for startups, an increase in intelligence research and increased funding for the sector by the federal government.

Sidewalk Labs project is not only an impetus for the technology community but also for the real estate sector of the city.

The project will aim to create new models of affordable housing and retail spaces , according to the statement. Earlier this year, Waterfront Toronto, a

Earlier this year, Waterfront Toronto, a corporation created by Canadian officials in 2001 to revitalize Lake Ontario, called for proposals to develop a new Quayside along with a private partner.

Test bench
Quayside would be a test bench for emerging technologies, materials and processes that address these challenges and advanced solutions that can be replicated in cities around the world. the world, according to city officials.

Sidewalk Labs, created in 2015, was one of the first independent affiliates of Google before becoming the Alphabet holding company.

One of the most visible projects has been LinkNYC, a network of Wi-Fi kiosks that are financed with advertising in the city of New York administered by Intersection, an investment of Sidewalk Labs.

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