OPINION: Trump – one crisis to hide another

North Korea and the United States are in the midst of a deadly procession that can lead to nuclear war. For the first time in 55 years, since the Cuban missile crisis, there has been the possibility of military action with the deadliest weapons. The performances and unilateral agreements of both countries have the planet suffering vertigo, due to the risk damage to our common home and loss of millions of lives. In the autumn of 1962, President JohnbF. Kennedy was able to use a naval blockade to negotiate the exit of the rockets with nuclear heads in  Cuba, while the American atomic missiles aimed at the Soviet Union were withdrawn from Turkey. It seems that President Donald Trump likes to create a crisis to cover another. However, no one is sure that the tyrant of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un, understands the tactics of the real estate magnate.

In a nuclear war, there are no winners. The only acceptable solution is diplomacy. Today more than ever we need the personal qualities of those leaders, who in 1962 were able to solve the crisis… hoyporhoy,La Prensa,Sep 26