Calle Uruguay traders feeling more pain than gain

By Margot Thomas

THE COSMETIC   revitalization of Calle Uruguay,  in Marbella, is proving to be an expensive and painful facelift for businesses located in the area.

Anyone who has recently attempted to drive through the   pot-holed slalom course of machinery, trucks, equipment , trenches and  earth mounds with constantly changing deviations   and felt reluctant to revisit a favorite eatery will understand the merchants’ concerns

Business owners, who preferred to reserve their names, complained to La Prensa that  Mayor Jose Isobel Blandon  and the construction company Meco have not complied with the promised  work methodology, since they have occupied all the street for the works, although they affirmed that closings would be partial.

The company responded that they daily send businesses the scheduling of the closures, which are unlikely to reach customers.

The local  representative, Ricardo Domínguez, said that every 15 days representatives of Meco, the mayor’s office, neighbors and merchants gather for those affected to expose their concerns.

The works, costing  $ 26.4 million, began inJune.

A team from La Prensa , toured  the area , and found  that at least three locations On 48th Street, including a parking area, have closed, while others advertise liquidation sales.

The owners of the shops, indicated that they are in agreement with the project; but  argue that both the mayor’s office and  Meco, have “failed to comply” with the agreed methodology of work.

They said that all parties had agreed to partial closures of roads to avoid severe economic losses, but practically all the street  are impeding access for clients.

In addition, they claim  that the placement of the signs on the roads is confusing,  and there is lack of security measures for those who pass through the area and, little access for pedestrians.

Traders say that they have reduced personnel, as they have losses close to 45%.

Meco said they maintain a “smooth communication” with the traders, who are sent daily the programming of the partial closures that are expected in the area.

and  said that “the company is fulfilling its commitment to minimize effects that are inevitable in a work of this magnitude “.

Domínguez said  that  there is a working table at  which the representatives of Meco, and those who feel affected can express  their concerns.

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