One dead 7 hurt in Cocle latest traffic incidents

MULTIPLE  hospitalized highway traffic accident victims have been a daily phenomenon on Panama highways this week, and buses have been regular participants in the carnage.

The third incident in three days was in  El Olivo de Natá, Coclé, on Thursday, August 17, and sent seven people to hospital.

August 16

In the latest transit event, a panel bus and a car pick up were involved, according to the Twitter account of the Cocle Fire Department.

Ten of the  injured  were evaluated by personnel of the Prehospital Medical Care Service (Samer), and seven were transferred to medical centers in Penonomé and Aduadulce

August 15


271 Fatalities
 Earlier in Cocle, a   29-year-old taxi driver lost control of his car hit a tree and died instantly. His was the 48th traffic death in the  province this year, and  271st  nationally