March planned against Pence visit

A MARCH protesting the visit of US Vice-President Mike Price will be held on Thursday, Aug.17  by Panama’s Front for Democracy  (FAD)  ” because his country continues to sow hatred in Latin America said a spokes man

“This man is not welcome and the social movements are going to show up against his arrival and also to show our solidarity with the peoples of Latin America who are attacked by the American empire,” said spokesman Hector Hurtado at a Tuesday press conference.

The United States, he added, “is an empire that continues to impoverish Latin America and generate wars and invasions and we cannot allow them to come and give orders to Panama”

The protest will take place at 10.00 a.m on Ave de los Mártires, leading to the Bridge of The Americas

Hurtado recalled that the avenue is named in memory of the Panamanians who died on January 9, 1964 during a student protest.

The US vice president will hold a private meeting with President, Juan Carlos Varela, mainly on issues related to the security of both countries, according to the Foreign Ministry. The FAD also condemned the words of US President Donald Trump, who said last week that his Administration does not rule out the “military option” to solve Venezuela’s “very dangerous mess”.

The political movement warned of the possible use by the US of the Canal to mobilize its troops “W, unfortunately, have to acknowledge that we are  histprically a military launch pad for the   US said. Jorge Guzmán.


The Broad Front for Democracy (FAD), was launched for  the 2014 elections.