Varela buddy audio stirs Panama political pot

POLITICAL pot stirring tactics are back in vogue in Panama with the release on social networks by the   Cambio Democrático (CD) of a recorded conversation of President, Juan Carlos Varela.

In the audio, Varela said “have a good relationship with the Partido Revolucionario Democrático  (PRD) and Pedro Miguel González”, who is their  secretary

“Pedro came to the Secretariat thanks to my brother (José Luis Varela) and he knows it,”… and the government built a road in the constituency of González said President Varela, in the audio broadcast

Gonzalez, on October 30, beat Ernesto Perez Balladares, who was his opponent in the PRD’s internal elections.

“My brother (Jose Luis Varela) gave him the contacts in the Assembly and they are close buddies as  Pedro’s father was a friend of Lucas Zarack, that friendship was inherited by ‘Popi’ and Pedro.

This country in peace, and tranquillity despite Martinelli, and his craziness, because of that type of relationship, “.

Juan Carlos Varela, in Chitré, said: “I will not comment on private conversations, except with relatives.”

Deputy Gonzalez, in an interview with Radio Panama, blamed the Varela government. “At first I thought it was a montage and now, in effect, they confirm that the President did say what he said,” said the PRD general secretary. “It is a political attack … in the best style of the predecessor,” added the deputy.

The president of the Panamenista  Party, Deputy, José Luis Varela, defended himself in his Twitter account and said “Dreadful and worrisome that CD continues with the malicious practice that has RM arrested in Miami for  getting  audios make and uploading  them to social networks.”