Panama Sum of All Gay Pride parade draws 7000

AN ELECTRICITY blackout and a torrential downpour delayed,  but failed  to blight, the.   enthusiasm of thousands of Panama’s LGBT community on  Saturday, July 1 as they gathered  for their most visible recognition in the country’s history.

By David  Young

The march,   labeled “Panama the Sum of All”  focusing on equal rights for  those who are lesbians, gays, bi-sexuals or transgender moved along Avenida Balboa, to the Mirador Del Pacifico  at the Fish Market end of the Cinta Costera  It was headed by led  by Panama’s First Lady, Lorena Castillo de Varela, Panama Mayor Jose Isobel Blandon,  and United States US Ambassador John Feeley and  included  ambassadors and staff from many embassies including the USA, UK and Canada, and multiple business communities like Dell, Caterpillar, Procter and Gamble, Atlas  Cool FM and   Uber

There was an estimated participation of 7,000 marchers,

The event was boycotted by religious groups who are fighting what appears to be a rearguard action against a  push for Panama to join much of the first world in recognizing same sex marriage.

Ricardo Beteta organizer, said that everything was a success as expected and brought the fight for the recognition  of sexual diversity to the streets.

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