Thousands sign ant-corruption pledge

AN ANTI-CORRUPTION initiative  launched on Sunday by The Foundation for the Development of Citizen’s Freedom, and the Panama chapter of Transparency International (TI), has already received endorsement by over 20,00 Panamanians.

The Foundation has called on citizens, to sign a declaration  repudiating  bribery.

“I will not pay bribes,”

“I will not solicit bribes,”

“I will join others to campaign against corruption

” I will speak out against corruption and report abuses, “

“I will support candidates for public posts who explicitly reject corruption, and support accountability and are an example of transparency and integrity,” says the manifesto, which can be signed on: (if you visit the site there is sing-up section  in English)

We have to look at official schemes  and one of these is large-scale corruption (…), “said  Olga de Obaldía, executive director of IT, Panama. “And most importantly, decide that when I  vote In the next election [May 2019], I will not vote for an individual that I know is, corrupt,”

A note from Transparency International, based in Berlin, said the Declaration against Corruption supports the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and United Nations Convention against Corruption.