Martinelli denies Odebrecht election funding

SELF EXILED ex president Ricardo Martinelli rushed to his Twitter account on Friday, May 12  to try to distance himself from confessions made by the Brazilian strategists who ran the 2014 election campaign for the CD presidential candid José Domingo Arias.

From Miami, Martinelli Tweeted  that in the “Presidential campaign the candidate and only him, are in charge of paying and receiving donations, it is not the party nor all the other candidates.”

In another Tweet, he posted a video of Ramón Fonseca Mora in which  he accuses President Juan Carlos Varela of receiving donations from Odebrecht for his campaign. Martinelli added  “The cockerel doesn’t sing more clearly”   that Varela continued to receive donations after the election.

Martinelli’s wife, Marta. the First Lady at the time. was the  vice-presidential  running mate of Arias.