OFF THE CUFF: Odebrecht trawl nets Martinelli insiders, family

 THE NEED for prayer for Riccardo Francolini, the former president of the board of directors of Caja de Ahorros (CA), and head of Panama’s NexTV grew more acute on Thursday, April 21, as he was taken from his cell in El Renacer to face anti-corruption prosecutors over links to the Odebreccht bribery scandal.

Days earlier he had complained about the lack of Catholic chapel facilities for his prayer routine.  On Thursday he was hauled off to face interrogation for alleged offenses in addition to the ones that had already landed him behind bars awaiting trial.

Francolini  was a business associate of  ex-president  Ricardo Martinelli  and a member of his inner political circle

He arrived soon after  10 am at the  Special Anti­Corruption Prosecutor’s Office in the Avesa building on Via España, to be questioned as part of the investigation into bribes paid by construction company Odebrecht.

Beforehand, he  was reviewed by doctors at El Renacer,  to ensure he was fit to be questioned.

Prosecutor Tania Sterling filed charges and ordered the questioning  of Francolini and 16 other

people, including the brother and children of former president Ricardo Martinelli ­ namely Mario

Martinelli and Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares ­ former Minister of Public

Works Federico José Suárez, The director of Odebrecht in Panama André Rabello, and the former director of the Financial Analysis Unit (UAF) Amado Barahona, among

Odebrecht has admitted to paying bribes totaling $788 million to officials in 12 countries including Panama, where at least $59  million was handed to local officials.

Francolini is already facing trial for his role in approving a $9 million loan to the company constructing the never finished Amador Conference Center during the Martinelli administration.