Shrimp links Panama, Pink Floyd

A NEWLY IDENTIFIED  shrimp, with a single pink pincer, discovered in Panama, has been named after the legendary Pink Floyd group.

The minute  Synalpheus pinkfloydi, was discovered on the Panamanian Pacific coast, and its naming honoring  Pink Floyd  was , announced on Wednesday, April 12, at the Natural History Museum of Oxford University by  the three scientists who presented it to the world in an article in the magazine Zootaxa: Arthur Anker, from the Federal University of Goiás in Brazil, Kristin Hultgren, from the University of Seattle, and Sammy de Grave, of the Oxford University Museum of Natural History.

Its pink shade  and the noisy click that it is capable of producing, led to the choice of its name

This new crustacean measures little  more than 6.6 millimeters, according to the article in the

Zootaxa magazine, but its click is capable of paralyzing and even killing its prey.

Pink Floyd …the group

I often listen to  Pink Floyd while I work, but now the band that produced The Wall, and my work are united in scientific literature,” Anker explained, on the blog of the  Oxford University  Natural History Museum.

“The description of this new species of shrimp was a dreamed of  occasion to pay homage to my favorite group “, said, Sammy de Grave