US tight lipped on Martinelli extradition

THE US  STATE  Department has refused to comment on three requests of Transparency International (IT)  on the status of Panama’s extradition request for former president  Ricardo Martinelli.

He is wanted  to face trial on multiple criminal charges that if proven could see him behind bars for the rest of his life.

The extradition  request was formally presented  in September 2016.

IT president, José Ugaz, told La Prensa: “The administration is very cautious, it has heard our request and we have been told they will not make specific comments.”

Ugaz said: “It is unacceptable” that Martinelli is in the US, apparently,with special visas, which are rumored to be investor.

“He continues to enjoy unrestricted freedom and not intervening in politics.”

Meanwhile, during the mid-year meeting of the Inter-American Press Association, in Antigua, Guatemala, Ugaz spoke about the cost of corruption in the Third World.

It estimates that between $ 20 billion and $ 40 billion are stolen from public budgets of developing countries as a result of corruption “at the highest levels of power” and eposited in tax havens.

According to Ugaz, within this sum would be found what Martinelli would have plundered  during his management.

“Martinelli is at large in Miami, Florida, and is accused of having taken $500million”  he said.