Swiss have 80 questions for Martinelli lawyer in laundering probe

THE ATTORNEY for the two sons of  ex-president Ricardo Martinelli will have to answer 80 questions posed by Swiss Federal Authorities.

The questions were sent to the Attorney General  to be put to Evelyn Vargas in the investigation of payments of bribes to Panamanians through Swiss banks. The questions revolve around the commercial and personal relationship of Vargas with the Martinelli  family , and specifically her role in

creating and administering companies connected to  Ricardo Alberto and Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares, the children of the former president.

Swiss officials have seized $22 million in accounts linked to these companies, which they say

were bribes paid by the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht.

Vargas faces charges of money laundering in Panama. She has been detained since being arrested  in Mexico by Interpol.

The sons of Martinelli are still at large with Interpol arrest warrants outstanding.

Odebrecht has admitted to paying $59 million in bribes in Panama while Martinelli was president.

Panama’s Comptroller and other observers believe that the figure is much higher, based on the number and sizeof  state contracts received by the company during the Martinelli era (2009-14).