Free health insurance for Panama visitors mooted

FREE HEALTH INSURANCE  for visitors to Panama is back on the table after the initial attempt was abandoned due to cost concerns.

The Tourism Authority (ATP) is considering re-introducing  the benefit of free insurance for medical expenses for visitors, but adjusting the scope and term of the coverage.

Authorities are assessing the changes that would be needed in order to implement program for tourists once again, seeing as it had proved  a valuable promotional tool.

The benefit was implemented by the Martinelli administration in 2011 and abandoned  three years later, due to its high cost.

Gustavo Him, administrator of the ATP, told “…  We are consulting with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, and we are reviewing some options to bring back this product.”

Antonio Alfaro, president of the Chamber of Tourism of Panama, “… described the idea of resuming provision of the insurance as positive, adding that “it should never have been removed, but rather the terms changed if what was sought was a reduction in costs.”