Panama: an expat’s primer for potential settlers

AS 2017 approaches a Newsroom reader who has settled in Panama offers guidance to those who might be considering  following his path.

By Ross Campbell

WHEN it comes to moving, you may have a short distance to go or you might want to cross country lines. Whatever the need isbeing able to do so easily and conveniently can be a great way to reduce the amount of stress that normally comes from moving.

Panama is a fine place to live and there are many benefits to moving to this beautiful country.

Here are some tips for to make life easier when relocating, as well as some pros to choosing Panama as your next destination to call home.

Panama, boasts a lot for the resident. Not only will you find beautiful weather, beaches and people but there is a never-ending surplus of things to do whether you love the great outdoors and the great allure of the ocean, or you like staying in for quieter days or evenings with family or just for a little peace of mind.

You can have the best of both worlds if you choose to stay permanently.

You will enjoy a higher standard of living for much less than in North America.

The cost of living within Panama is much lower than what those from the U.S. are accustomed too, making it more affordable, and providing a better standard of living for most.

Sure, some things, including electricity, may be a little higher, but overall, the cost of living is lower than in the U.S.

First class hospital facilities cost less

Enjoy U.S. based medical and dental care for a fraction of the cost of what you’d pay in the U.S.

You do not even have to have medical insurance to get  basic care  and it is not going to break the bank either.

Expect to pay one quarter of what you’re currently used too. If you prefer to purchase local health insurance, you can usually obtain a policy for a fraction of what you would pay in the U.S. [check out the CanadaPLUS Foundation’s discount plan]

The weather is generally warm and mild. This allows you to skip the harsh summers and unbearable winters that many states throughout the US receive. It’s nice to have a temperature that is always warm and cozy but not overbearing when it comes to extreme heat or cold.

Violent crime occurs much less often in Panama than in the U.S. You will still find some petty crimes including theft, but when it comes to violence with murders and other major crimes, they are few and far between.

Shop and dine until you drop. Not only is Panama home to some of the richest culture, but you can enjoy fine cuisine, fancy stores and even homemade items that you will fall in love with.

World class shopping malls abound

Panama has outstanding  markets and shopping malls so that is one thing you’re not going to miss out on when you move there.

Relocating tips

Visit Panama before deciding to move for any length of time. You want to ensure that this is the best place for you to move. Making a split-second decision might not be the best way to go about moving anywhere, including Panama.

Take a trip or three, see how you like it and then decide if this is where you want to go.

Moving can be stressful, and the following long distance moving tips can help a move go smoothly.

Sort through your items and try to reduce the amount of stuff you’re bringing with you. If possible, try not to bring larger items since this can be a pain to move.  Go through everything and take what is necessary and sell, donate or give away the rest.

Always hire a moving company. Whether you’re moving a lot of stuff, a little stuff or a vehicle; you need a shipper that you can trust.

Using an international car shipper such as A1AutoTransport Inc can put your mind at ease, knowing you can get your vehicle to where you need it to go.

Fly with what you immediately  need, but have the shippers take care of the rest.

Ensure that all your documents, identification and other paperwork are ready to go for your move.

You need to ensure that you’re following the regulations of Panama prior to moving there.

By having these items ahead of time, you can be ready to take the next step.

Enjoy all that Panama offers while also being sure to be prepared.

When you know that Panama is where you want to live and you are aware of all that you need to know to find a home and get settled in quickly, you can work to ensure your travels go smoothly from start to finish —  Smooth travels.