University asked to demand nixing of Odebrecht deals

A GROUP of prominent Panama citizens has  sent a note to the rector of the University of Panama (UP), Eduardo Flores, calling  on the university to demand the suspension of all state contracts with the Odebrecht construction company.

It asks the rector to summon  the Academic Council and the General University Council so that they  can pronounce on  the Odebrecht scandal.

They suggest that these bodies “demand the immediate suspension and cancellation  “of the contracts signed by Brazil’s Odebrecht with the Panamanian State.

They also demand that their executives be prosecuted and

the assets they maintain in Panama. Seized.

“In the past, the University of Panama  was involved in

National events and we believe that with the new rector it can resume this role, so that the country can react to

this scandal, “said the politician Olimpo Sáez, one of the signers of the note.

The letter was also signed  by Alfredo Oranges and Vitelio De Gracia. “We are citizens that want

the University tp  pronounce in a decisive way, “he said.

The letter, will be  formally delivered to the rector on Tuesday, Dec 27.

A   global agreement in which  Norberto Odebrecht agreed to pay more than $2 billion in fines to the United States, Brazil and Switzerland revealed  the massive payment of bribes to foreign officials from at least 12 countries, including Panama as the recipient of about $ 59 million

Odebrecht pleaded guilty to a complaint lodged by the Office of the Federal Prosecutor in the East District of New York Tribunal  for conspiracy to violate provisions against bribery of the Corrupt Practices Abroad regulation.

In exchange for the payment of bribes to Panamanian officials and their intermediaries, between 2010 and 2014 Odebrecht guaranteed – – earnings of at least $175 million.



Citizen group sent a note to the rector of the University of Panama (UP), Eduardo Flores, with the

So that it may be summoned to the Academic Council and the General University Council at the latest