OPINION: A city with renewed life

Hoyporhoy, LaPrensa

THE LIGHTS  of the city of Panama flash with a special brilliance these days.

Couples, families, grandchildren with their grandparents, and foreign tourists enjoy the special lighting that the capital municipality, led by the mayor José Isabel Blandón, offers to all, demonstrating that it is possible to rescue urban spaces and help us to  live in harmony.

The mayor has been able to identify a need that was not taken care of for a while.

Somehow almost magically,  these modern fireflies, return us to the city of Panama of yesteryear: that of the familiar Belén street, that of the Million Castle in Perejil, and that

of a Central Avenue that with its showcases and lmost infinite offers was a road studded with  colors and sounds.

Today we have a part of the city that excites us and fills us with memories and hopes, about what we were and what we can become.

As  the great Exhibition of Belisario Porras in 1915 gave brightness and renown to our capital, the lights that today decorate and recover some parks, sidewalks and boulevards, they make us feel the spirit of community that characterizes Christmas