Varela moves to expand public transport

MI BUS and the Government are holding meetings with owners of private transit  systems  in Chepo in Panama east and  in La Chorrera and Arraiján, west of the city with the aim of expanding the Metro Bus service.

The announcement came from President  Juan Carlos Varela on  Saturday, December 10.

He , said that the negotiation is part of the improvement plan and modernization of public transport in the country.

At present, in the three districts of diablos rojos

(modified school buses) and coaster buses are still operating.

According to Varela, the introduction of the Metro Bus in these areas will help improve the transport service.

In his view, building  more roads  to vehicles is not the solution to alleviate vehicular traffic.

Putting  more cars on the roads  increases  the problem of

contamination, as in China, Mexico, Paris … I prefer to work quickly on the mass transit system that includes three Metro lines and the Metro Bus, “said Varela

In March a dedicated lane for buses will be introduced on Corridor Sur.