Interpol red alert suspects seek habeus corpus

TWO OF THE central figures in the  financial scandal involving the government bank Caja de Ahorros(CA)and the Financial Pacifix (FP) brokerage have filed a writ of habeus corpus with the Supreme Court.

West Valdés and Iván Clare, ex-directors of the brokerage the subjects of an Interpol red alert are seeking to avoid being arrested in the middle of the investigation by the Public Prosecutor’s Office over  supposed

Irregularities in a loan granted by Caja de Ahorros (CA) to the consortium HPCContratasP & V, commissioned by the Martinelli government to construct the Amador Convention Center.

Valdés and Clare filed habeas corpus appeals  against the first anti-corruption prosecutor,  Anti-corruption prosecutor Tania  Sterling, who is seeking to prove  that Financial Pacific, under the administration of

Valdés and Clare, was the last recipient  of the $12 million  that CA provided to HPC ContratasP & V for theproject, but in the end the money was for the benefit of the brokerage.

In a  Court file distribution on November 25, the habeas corpus of Valdés was passed to Judge  Luis Ramón Fábrega, and Clare’s  to  Cecilio Cedalise.

On 11 November, the First Anti-Corruption Prosecutor asked Interpol to issue a red alert to locate Valdés and Clare, after ordering their appearance  to make a statement when  it was determined that they would have received the money that was the  product of the Caja de Ahorros loan to HPC Contracts.

The prosecution also issued arrest  orders for Ricardo Ricky Calvo, who signed for  the Company Summer Venture, which received part of the money, and for  Claudio Poma Murialdo, one of the representatives of the construction  consortium.

Until now the whereabouts of Valdés, Clare, Calvo and Poma are unknown reports La Prensa

The investigations have put in the dock the ex directors  and officials of the bank, and businessmen ,  among others.

One of those investigated by the prosecutor in the case was Elmer Quintero, former executive manager of Banca Corporativa de la CA, who went to the prosecutor’s office on November 9.