3 dead, 5 missing after Otto storm.

AT  LEAST three people died and five went missing  during tropical storm Otto’s visit to Panama earlier this week.

Meanwhile the red weather alert  issued by  the Civil Defense system (SINAPROC), was lifted on Wednesday Nov.23.

It was replaced by yellow for Bocas del Toro and green for the rest of the country.

corridor-norteSchool classes will resume Thursday except in Bocas del Toro.

Several schools in   Colón and the Comarca Guna Yala will also remain closed following damage caused by the rains.

A couple died when their Arriajan home was sept away in a landslide.

José Donderis, director of   Sinaproc, reported that the search is continuing for five people who went missing during Tuesday’s bad weather.

One of them went missing in the Utive River in Pacora.

another in the collapse of a residence in Nueva Libia.

Three  others disappeared after their boat   sank off the coast of Colón.