Clash over swinger sex romp permit

A TOWN MAYOR and a  province governor  are clashing over the  award of a permit for a swinger sex revel.

The event was scheduled for Saturday November 19 at the Bear Club in Chame, but in addition to the couples and single girls invited  on social media   for a night of “liberal” entertainment the organizers could be getting a visit from the National Police.

The  mayor of Chame Nieves Mayorga denies having given permission for the “ponchera” where  couples  and single women could enjoy  a sexual exchange romp  at the Campestre Club La Cueva del Oso, in the district of Chame.

Themistocles Javier Herrera, governor of Panama West, said that the mayor regretted authorizing the event

The Governor said that the mayor facilitated the permit ignoring the type of activity that was going to take place.

Mayorga  fired back and told El Siglo that she did not grant any permits for that period  , and even checked whether the permit was camouflaged with another type of activity.

He explained that as it is a private event –an  activity for which there is a charge – it will be up to the corregidor (local magistrate)  of the area to determine the sanction.

This fine could be around $250 and the activity could  be suspended and prompt  a visit , by the National Police.

The Mayor  said that, despite not knowing the exact place where in Chame the swinger club is located, investigations  will continue to discover who is  responsible.

He added that the promotion was disseminated on social networks, and there is no law or decree to prohibit it.

After the story first broke El Siglo repeatedly called the 6557-9000 cell phone listed  on the website but there was no response.

The  guidelines published on social media stipulate the entrance fee will be $20 for couples (male and female).
Men cannot enter by themselves but single womenattend for free.

The event was scheduled  to start at 8 pm and was billed on the website as the perfect opportunity to enjoy a night of swinging to the  maximum during a night  loaded with sexuality and erotic adventures.

“If you are a lady, you can enter for free to enjoy, but you will not meet men alone says the  promo.

Paticipants will have to arrive before 9:30 pm when the  doors will be closed.

The digital site says that from that moment hidden sexual instincts will surface because they will have the right to be nude  in any corner of the property, which has high walls to keep participants free from prying eyes.

The ‘Swinger Country Club’ in Chame, digital page, will have several private suites, which will cost $10 for two hours and $ 60 overnight.

There  will be  an erotic games room for group sex.

For those who are 100% swingers or single girls, there is an exclusive dark room to indulge erotic fantasies.

When first questioned about the event Mayorga, mayor of Chame, said he was not aware of this activity, but would  not grant the permit and would proceed to suspend it.

  Church reaction
Catholic Church Cardinal Jose Luis Lacunza said that the authorities must intervene so that these kinds of events are not promoted in social networks.

He said that these acts are behaviors that originate abroad and are copied  in Panama.