Criminal probe into Venezuelan titling scam

TITLES of 3,800 hectares of land in Cocle and Colon granted to 30 people fronted by Venezuelans have been revoked, and a criminal complaint has been lodged by the National Authority for Land Management (Anati) .
The complaint from Anati Director Carlos González is over irregularities in the titling of land in Coclé and Colón near existing mining operations.
González said that former executives of Anati, among them Franklin Oduber, will also be investigated.
He added that the titles will be revoked until the investigation is complete.
González said that the irregularities have been under investigation for about a year by the National Security Council, which had alerted Anati about the possible irregularities.
Anati officials said the irregularities involve some 800 hectares in Coclé and 3,000 hectares in Colón. The group under investigation is led by Venezuelans Juan Pablo Brons and Andres Warnken.