Floods and landslides in 6 areas

FLOODS  and landslides affected six areas of the country including Panama and Colon provinces,   following a weather alert issued by the monitoring center of the Civil Protection Agency (Sinaproc) on Sunday  October 16.

In the province of Panama, 24 December, was affected by flooding in the Santa Marta and La Parades  2, districts.

damage from a landslide in La Medalla Milagrosa, in the Los Lagos residential sector

In Colon , floods were reported in the District of Buena Vista, sector 1, Serdinilla, Cristóbal, Township the  residential area of Los Lagos, the northern sector of  Nuevo San Juan, Gatuncillo northern sector, and the Township of Feria Los Viveros

The Joint Task Force has issued some common sense recommendations to keep in mind during the heavy October rains such as avoiding  any outdoor activity when there are electrical discharges (lightning), seek shelter in a nonmetallic refuge  or in a vehicle, do not take shelter under a tree ; be aware of the water  heads and if possible stay away from rivers.