OPINION: Panamas lasting shame

La Prensa, October 5
10 YEARS AGO the country officially learned that the epidemic of acute renal failure syndrome, which overwhelmed the emergency rooms of hospitals and clinics, was caused by the mass poisoning that the Panamanian State itself had caused its citizens.
Since then, hundreds of deaths and heroic stories of survivors and relatives have coexisted with a Public Ministry and judiciary indolent, and often, very foolish and disrespectful to the Panamanians seeking justice.
The country’s health system has been severely compromised by their lack of control, lack of transparency in its recruitment and mediocrity of its managers.
Doctors and health professionals still have a lot to explain, that with few exceptions, kept a complicit silence, and chose not to warn people to avoid this major catastrophe.
Diethylene showed that the real poison is negligence and our governments play with lives