OPINION: 30 pieces of silver

Hoy por Hoy La Prensa Sep 6
THE COURT conviction for buying votes, by CD candidates for deputy and alternate in the circuit 6-2 in the elections of May 2014, represents an important precedent that oxygenates the democratic process in the country.
The use of state resources to co-opt the popular will and unduly influence the electorate, is a terrible practice of our Creole politicking.
Foundations, community boards and the infamous National Assistance Program (PAN) were the protagonists of a horrible assault on the public treasury and decency.
While regulatory authorities of state spending kept a complicit silence, while a diminished Public Ministry is diminished failed to act in defense of the interests of the nation, there was rampant thievery at all levels and in all possible ways.
Urged to avoid prosecuting other cases, and to preserve impunity. Panama was about to lose its rule of law and democracy for the 30 pieces of silver with which consciences, seats and favors are bought.
All this failed, but the great task of cleaning up our policy is still pending.