OFF THE CUFF: Gucci lady remains mum

FORMER DEPUTY Minister of Social Development Zulema Sucre  made her second appearance before anti-corruption  prosecutors Monday August 22.

She was facing  additional questioning inacorruption case involving allegations she abused state resources.

The charges resulted from a complaint filed by her former bodyguards who claimed she made them perform menial duties, including walking her dog which she called Gucci and designated  a VIP, according to her security detail.

Her initial interview was Thursday last week  when she told waiting media that all would be explained and the charges were false.

Before her second interview  she was more restrained and by-passed the media when she arrived  at the prosecutor’s office.

When she left she had been placed under “country arres” and ordered to report weekly to authorities

She resigned  from her position March 1 after a mini-scandal that stretched up to the president’s office.

Her former security guards say  she had them walk Gucci from 7am  to 10am.