Extortion suspect held in detention

A FORMER  deputy of the Central American Parliament (PARLACEN) accused of extortion  is in preventive detention. following a raid  on his home and a day long interrogation by  Assistant Attorney General Marcelino Aguilar.

Aldo López Tirone was taken to the headquarters of the Directorate of Judicial Investigation on Wednesday August 17, after a search of his residence in Costa del Este in which a check for $5000 US dollars and banking documents were found

He     was questioned by Aguilar from the morning of Friday, August 19 until late in the evening  , after  a complaint portraying him as the author of a possible extortion of Ramon Gonzalez Revilla.

At the end of the day he was ordered held in preventive detention.

His lawyer, Kevin Moncada said that his client enjoys electoral criminal jurisdiction, certified by the Electoral Tribunal, as was acandidate  for delegate in the last internal elections of the Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) , the same ploy used by  former vice-president “Pipi” Virzi to avoid a court appearance in a corruption scandal.