Migrant tensions return to Panama

TENSIONS are rising once again on the  Panama-Costa Rican border  as Costa Rica police are taking Cubans and Haitians to the crossing at Paso Canoas to return them to Panama.

Cuban Ramiro Ramírez, who was one of those brought to the border crossing, said that the police transported them to the area and told them to return to Panama.

“They persecute us until we crossed the border,” he said.

The migrants are trying to reach the United States, and they are concerned about running out of money before they get there.

Alejandro Caballero, who lives near the border, said that migrants began arriving in the area Friday, and some have managed to get into Costa Rica, but others have been returned

A Costa Rican police source said that security has been increased at the border and no one will be allowed into the country without the proper paperwork.

Many of the migrants arrive in Panama from Colombia including many Haitian arriving in Darien claiming to be refugees from war-torn African  countries.

Panama authorities are trying to persuade other Central American countries to work on a regional solution.