?Case against Martinelli thrown out

PANAMA’S   Supreme Court has thrown out a complaint against ex-president Ricardo Martinelli for abuse of authority and other charges related to a visit in 2012 to Bahia Honda in Veraguas in which he allegedly threatened inhabitants to give up land to a businessman.

The decision, written by Judge Abel Zamorano, said there was no evidence of a crime or the violation of the human rights of the complainants.

It said that evidence presented in January 2015 by lawyer Donaldo Sousa, representing Aurelio Camaño Hernandez, failed to prove the case.

Hernandez had claimed that in April 2012,  Martinelli, accompanied by police and other security officials, came to the area to intimidate residents into abandoning 70 hectares for Jean Pigozzi.

The complaint also included the security officials who were with Martinelli. That part of the complaint is still being investigated reports La Prensa.

Hernandez said he was threatened by those security officers.

Residents says that Pigozzi, who received a special concession of 141.5 hectares in the area, has tried to obtain other property around it