City land-use plan underway

ATTEMPTING  to bring some order to  city development, following recent citizen protests, Panama City Mayor José Isabel Blandón gave the order on Monday, August 9,  for  the development of a land-use plan in San Francisco.

With the implementation of the project, by  Grupo Suma authorities intend to measure the capacity for development in the area to prevent the overburdening of public utilities.

The plan, which will cost $588,000, will also examine roads, sanitation, electrical systems and storm water drainage in the area.

Residents of the area said they are happy the study has been commissioned, but are also demanding a moratorium on the issuance of construction permits.

Manuel Castillero, a resident of Coco del Mar, said that issuing permits while the plan is being developed undermines the point of the study.

Brenda Pedreschi, a resident of Punta Paitilla, described the current  situation as “unbearable.”

Urban planner Álvaro Uribe called it chaotic and  agreed that the issuing of permits should be suspended during the study.