Cardinal says Panama ready for Pope’s global event

PANAMANIAN   CARDINAL, Jose Luis Lacunza  took aim at skeptics  on Sunday July 29. affirming that  that Panama will be able to organize the World Youth Day  and gave as an example the expansion of the Panama Canal.

Saying that “’The World Youth Day set  for 2019, will improve Panamanian society.

At a press conference in Krakow, Poland, soon after Pope Francis named Panama as the location for the next event ,Lacunza said: ” Panamanians have not only been able to manage the Canal, but to expand the Canal, taking on the challenge that Panama remains the bridge of the world and the heart of the universe. And in this case it will be the bridge in the world and the heart of the universe for the youth of the world, but in a very special way in Latin America, “

Lacunza  stressed that both the “central” geographical position of Panama with  “good communications” by  both by air and land facilitate access for Central American countries like Mexico  and regions  such North and South America.

“Having this facility we want to be a revitalization of youth in  Panama and throughout Latin America.

Metropolitan Archbishop of Panama José Domingo Ulloa who led Panama’s  candidacy was supported by the Episcopate of Central America, said  that the celebration of World Youth Day in Panama will be a “balm” for young people who lead excluded  lives doomed to poverty and migration, people trafficking and  drug trafficking.

On the reasons why the Pope chose Panama, Ulloa said that it is “going to the periphery of these youths, thirsting for opportunities.”

“Panama was the first diocese on the American mainland, founded on September 9, 1513 in this small country that has always been a bridge for all in the world of communication. It was spreading the faith throughout the Americas through thousands and thousands of missionaries, “he said.

Panama layman Victor Chang, a member of the organizing committee, revealed that when the proposal was presented to Panama, it had “already made a first assessment of capabilities.”

“We had many plans in mind and waited for the confirmation of the Holy Father to begin to realize things. It’s going to be a feast for Panamanians and for everyone,” he added.

The press conference ended with an effusive invitation to all young people to participate in World Youth Day 2019.